The International Association of Collateral Loan and Social Institutions presently has 54 member institutions, in 13 countries, in three continents (Europe, America and Africa), which we will list below. The Association is open to other institutions in other countries and continents that wish to join. Although the aim of our Association is not to provide economic aid to development, one of our essential aims is, however, to universally sponsor social and collateral loans, and to create new institutions of this nature and to stimulate the progress of existing ones.
Here, our Association is a live organisation, which is open to the world and offers members ideas and suggestions of great interest. The time that needs to be invested to take an active part in the Association is limited to the needs and availabilities of each member institution.
Governing bodies
- Cajasol (Spain) – D. Antonio Pulido Gutiérrez
- Asociación Italiana de Entidades de Crédito Prendario (Italy)
- Nacional Monte de Piedad (Mexico)
- Banco de Desarrollo Local (Algeria)
- Dorotheum (Austria)
- Microbank de La Caixa (Spain)
- D. Javier Úbeda (Cajasol, Spain)
- Bancaja (Spain)
- CECA (Spain)
- Fundación Rafael Dondé (Mexico)
- Dirección General de Crédito Prendario (Chile)
- Banco Popular de Desarrollo Comunal (Costa Rica)
- BávBizományiKereskedöház (Hungary)
- Greek Postal Savings Bank (Greece)
- Caja Metropolitana de Lima (Perú)
- Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)